How To Stand Out In The Digital Age

As an emerging or established visionary or social entrepreneur you probably innately understand the need to always keep evolving and discovering new ways to reach your audience. Whether it's honing your message, building real, connected relationships or expanding your reach to your target market on the latest new technology platform the information age is ever-changing and bombarding us with possibility, change and all that comes with it. And it's all happening faster and faster...

Ever wonder how you're going to stand out in all this noise?

You define your niche, write your copy, become the expert, grow your authority...all of which are ways that we "come into our voice." (Authenticity is the trend. Thankfully.) Then you write blogs, post on social media, make videos, create freebies, build funnels, webinars...Twitter, Facebook, YouTube Oh My!

Being highly visible has become so very possible for anyone...and being willing and able to be highly visible has is become an essential element of growing your business if you really are committed to helping and serving as many people as you can...and want the income, right-livelihood & desired lifestyle that can come with it.

There are powerful technology platforms available to anyone with a smartphone and internet service. You can reach and make a big difference for people all over the world, right? Email, Video Conference, Webinars, Podcasts, Facebook LIVES... Then there's the profound impact speaking and bringing your unique and powerful message to a live audience can have -- which is increasingly powerful as people are seeking out live experiences and community in this digital age...

Within all these options and platforms and possibilities it is easy to get completely focused on creating your  content, posting your content, repurposing your content...have you like so many other "expert-preneurs" forgotten or overlooked the single most powerful element you have at your finger tips to connect with your audience?

The one secret, powerful marketing tool that many marketers leave out...that is entirely unique to you and can help you stand out in all the noise...

YOU are your product.

You Are Your Brand.

This is important for every solo-entrepreneur or a small business owner--and essential when you're in the transformation industry: a coach, healer, speaker, author or other "expert-preneur."

I know you have your hands full creating the the product or providing the service...THEN you need to market the product, have your systems in place to promote and sell the product...

Knowing how to access, activate and allow Your Own Poised, Passionate, Presence is one of your most powerful tools for breaking through and connecting to your aligned clients or audience.

I've watched a LOT of online trainings and videos as well as attended many seminars and conferences... usually jam packed with excellent and valuable training, information, insights, formulas and ideas from true experts in their field...and every single time HOW they share their message far outweighs WHAT their message. 

When your message is fully aligned with your expertise and inner knowing...and you share your content with confidence, clarity and your full enthusiasm the value that you bring is profound. However, when there's a disconnect between your messaging and your heart, between your expertise and your trust in yourself or between your invitation and how you trust the value that you bring the connection and impact you can have with your audience can be diluted at best and totally off-putting at worst.

There's another common disconnect in many trainings, talks and online video content and that is understanding what they're saying can be difficult because of their speech patterns or unconscious communication patterns -- as a performance coach & voice facilitator this is obvious to me -- there are a many subtle (& not-so-subtle) ways people undermine their work by how they share about their work.

Your Physicality, Vocal Presence and Delivery can greatly enhance your authority, your charisma & the perception that you are for real.

There are a few simple things you can do in a few minutes a day that can help you become aware of the hidden power in your voice and presence (Awareness is the first step to transformation!) You can acclimate your brilliant nervous systems to the vibration of and sensation of your voice AND you can actually lengthen & strengthen your vocal chords. You can also expand your physical presence so that who you are resonates and communicates kinetically with your aligned audience to draw clients and opportunities right to you.

I'd love to share 3 tools with you to do just that...And I Triple-Dog-Dare you to actually DO THEM!  

First you need to understand a couple things that might surprise you...

#1: Sound creates space. The sound of your own voice can raise your vibration and the vibration of those around you, it can move stagnant, blocked energy in your physical and energetic body and it can heal.

#2 Move Your Body To Change A Thought. The muscles and cells of your body store emotion, experience and energy moving your muscles can release emotions, stored experience and stuck energy and expand your presence!

Here's your Triple-Dog-Dare...

  • Lay on the floor or your bed where you can totally relax and soften your muscles from one end of your being to the other (or if you're in your car sit up tall and place your feet on the floor...Then take a nice deep breath (NO EFFORTING HERE PLEASE--a simple, deep breath from a place of ease) and Yawn -- out loud...a nice loud, long, cascading, juicy yawn. Rinse and repeat 3Xs!
  • Move Your Face! (Have you seen the Face Yoga lady on Facebook -- Brilliant!) Make faces at yourself in the mirror. Yes. Come on. You can do it. It IS ridiculous and SILLY -- that's good for you! Open your mouth as wide as you can! Stick out your tongue! Smile. Frown. Wrinkle and squinch your face into the center...Open it wide out to it's edges. 30 seconds. Have fun!
  • Siren like a fire engine. You got it. Pretend your 5 years old and just make it up. Take a deep breath and go for it! Rinse and repeat 3Xs!

Do any of these -- or ALL of them! -- just a couple minutes in the morning and again before bed, or in your car to and from work (we always love to sing in our car anyway, don't we!?) Make it EASY. SIMPLE. SUSTAINABLE...and you will change your physiology, access more of your available resources for communicating and expand your presence.

I'd love to hear your questions and thoughts about how your awareness of and relationship to your voice and presence impacts your work. Join the conversation in my Facebook community Power Up Your Presence and Speak Up, Be Heard & Get Hired!