Michelle Kopper
Author Archives: Michelle Kopper

#1 Secret Ingredient To Making Videos That Sell

If you’re still on the fence about the value of video marketing for Solo- Info- & Entrepreneurs… check out this “geek link”  or this one or this one … and you’ll quickly realize the impact video marketing can have on your business…we’re all in agreement there. There’s loads of telling us how important video marketing is — took about […]


7 Powerful Ways to Become An Influencer In Your Industry

noun 1. the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command.2. the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways.3. one that exerts influenceHave you ever felt like a “best kept secret”?Many coaches, healers and transformation business owners can feel frustrated, exhausted […]


The Secret To Authentically Engaging Your Tribe & Having A Steady Stream of Clients

How’s that content creation going? Busy Busy? Covering every angle? Books, Blogs, Posts, Articles, Groups, Networking, Videos…Are you out there getting it all done? Have you asked yourself lately about your ROI on all that content creation? Is it working? Are you getting leads? Clients? More Income? Business Growing? If you’re spinning your wheels in the content […]


How To Unleash Your Inner Rock Star

You’re walking on to the stage…the band is rocking out the first few chords of your hit song…thousands of fans are cheering you on…They LOVE you! You can do no wrong. You know you got this. You feel energized. You feel “on” and bold, daring, confident — sexy & powerful. Come on. Doesn’t some part […]


Daring To Be Heard

Your mouth goes dry, your heart is racing, you can’t seem to take a full breath. The adrenaline dump of stress, ambition, desire, hope, fear, expectation and perfectionism has you deer-in-the-headlights scared. Full Fight or Flight Response. One part of your mind says  you’re over reacting, this is ridiculous and you just need to shake […]