Daring To Be Heard

Your mouth goes dry, your heart is racing, you can’t seem to take a full breath. The adrenaline dump of stress, ambition, desire, hope, fear, expectation and perfectionism has you deer-in-the-headlights scared. Full Fight or Flight Response.
One part of your mind says you’re over reacting, this is ridiculous and you just need to shake it off and get it together…another part feels like you will actually die of shame…what were you thinking? All your ideas and the way you deliver them are stupid…now you’ll make a fool of yourself and everyone will finally see you for the fake you are.
Or maybe you always feel like you fail at sharing your full enthusiasm and leaving everything on the table…something is missing, could have been better, they’re not “getting you” or hearing you…Or maybe your voice gets really tired, sore and raspy…
The Presentation. The Pitch. The Promotion. The Speech. The Show. The Song.
What if you trusted yourself and felt in your body that you really know your stuff and can talk about it in an interesting and captivating way? What if you could cultivate more resonance, expression and authority in your voice? What if devoted some time and energy to claiming the full capacity of your voice?
It’s no exaggeration to say for many many people the idea of speaking — not to mention singing! — in front of others feels physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually impossible. Really. Some of us sing in secret — in our cars, in our showers, when no one’s looking…or in altered states at the Karaoke bar… Some people hardly utter a sound… they withhold, pull back, play small, shrink.
I love facilitating car & shower singers out into the light of day. It’s a priviledge to hold space through the trembling or tears as someone challenges the lie in their head that needs to keep them small…as they dare to make a sound for the first time — with witnesses — and begun the journey of discovering, uncovering and recovering their voice.
We all use our voices all day every day. What if you could discover, uncover and recover one of the most expressive aspects of being human — Your Voice. I’ve been working with singing-curious people for over 20 years from pros to folks wondering if they sing in tune — to Find and Free Their Unique Sound. I love to help professionals, small business owners and creatives who consider themselves outside specifically performance oriented environments who are ready to step forward and Voice their Power.
This work shifts fear to evoke JOY, cultivates self-awareness & acceptance to dissolve self-limiting beliefs and stretches your confidence to be as magnificent as you are. Sound creates space and raising your vibration through your voice consequently raises the vibration of the world around us. We are healing. We are growing. We are transcending FEAR with faith and we are cultivating AUDACITY!
“The Inspired Voice” coaching program supports every day people from all walks of life in growing their voice, owning their presence and cultivating their creativity. It is specifically designed to grow your awareness of — and connection to — your voice which in turn allows you to work, speak and live from your personal power creating a life from joy. The Inspired Voice program include seminars and on-site workshops for creative and professional environments ready to Voice Their Power.
Message me today to join!
Dare to Be Heard. Find Your Song. Change Your Life.
Speak Up, Be Heard & Get Paid!
~Michelle Kopper