Inspired Offers: A Whole New Way Of Selling…

What if you could rewire your income and business growth strategy from hustle & hassle to passionate and profitable simply by being more you?
What if you could leap ahead of the curve in the noisy virtual world by trusting yourself, owning your unique secret-sauce, doing what's easiest and lights you up the most...
... to create thrilling client-success stories through a unique-to-you business strategy that accelerates your income and impact?
The Truth About Growing an Online Coaching or Healing Business:
- Just being visible isn’t enough -- Random acts of visibility don’t get clients
- How you show up matters as much or more than what you say
- You have to invite & enroll clients to create the income you need to make the impact you want to make.

Inviting people to work with you consistently and effectively is critical for you to grow your business... and growing your business ensures you will reach and serve many with the message and gift only you can bring through.
I learned this the hard way.
When I expanded and went from my brick and mortar studio to offer coaching and mentoring online... I was quickly consumed by all the strategies, tactics and tools on offer to grow a thriving online business. I did it all. Programs, challenges, videos, blogs, speaking, joint ventures, daily posts on multiple platforms...
I GOT VISIBLE... but didn't have enough clients... I was in massive hustle and I'm-gonna-make-this-happen mode... but my client enrollment was here and there - spotty at best - instead of creating anything close to the income I needed to have impact I felt called to make... or a lifestyle that could support it.
Want to know why?
I didn't have my offers dialed in... I was all over the map... and the lack of clarity meant I wasn't making offers consistently... or very well, frankly... so I didn't have the clients, income, impact, or lifestyle I wanted.
I've since discovered many - if not most - coaches, healers, and other transformation experts feel awkward about "selling" or making offers and wish they could just DO the work they love - without having to market or sell at all.
#Truthbomb: Many spirit-aligned, purpose-led coaches, healers, and other purpose-led entrepreneurs don't have the clients and income they want because they:
- Don't feel clear about what to offer…
- Don’t know what to say or how to invite people to hire them...
- Feel "icky" about selling for fear of being "salesy" or "pushy" …
(some even feel guilty or self-conscious about inviting people to hire them!) they don't make offers consistently
...or enthusiastically...
...or... worst case... they don't make offers at all.
If you don't make offers the people who want what you bring won't get the results or transformation they seek... or they'll get it from someone else.
If you don't have all the clients you want signing up easily and consistently, you’re not making the biggest contribution you can make… for the greater good of all – including yourself!
Here's The Good News...
When you invite people to work with you from aligned inspiration that feels like the next natural step in a conversation everything shifts:
- Making offers starts to feel as good as doing the work you love--so you make them consistently
- More of your favorite clients say yes, more often
- You have more clients, make more money and help more people.
You can make offers that feel good, serve your audience, and enroll clients without being "salesy" or "pushy."
Inspired Invitations are actually an important part of your own expansion. They require you to believe in your innate worthiness, trust yourself, believe unconditionally in your capacity to help others, and to make the decision to have a bonafide business - which means creating revenue to sustain and grow itself... and the people who are growing it. That means YOU.
Introducing...a new way of selling from the inside out:
“Your Inspired Offers”
When your approach to "selling" is grounded in the 3 principles of Inspired Invitations...

- Your marketing, messaging and enrolling feel as good to do as doing the work you love ~ and so they naturally grow the momentum for you audience engagement & enrollment!
- Your aligned message, your deep understanding of your audience and your ability to create value are woven into to your "Highest Transformation Offer" so you're not offering piecemeal solutions but the whole enchilada for bigger, better, faster client results.
- You Elevate your Frequency Factor™ which simplifies and clarifies your marketing and makes the enrollment conversation an easy next step in an inspired conversation so that you have more of the best clients saying YES to expand your impact and increase your income without working harder or longer.
The 3 Principles of Your Inspired Offer:
- Inspiration is more powerful than motivation... it's something you RECEIVE...It's not something you do it's something you ARE.
- Business is a creative act and creativity flows from inspiration
- The Enrollment conversation is a sacred moment... for you and your potential client...whether they hire you or not.
When you have an aligned, inspired offer that's clear and compelling to your audience ...deeply aligned with the gift you’re called to bring through in this lifetime... and inspired from your heart's desire... you can quickly and dramatically increase your sales and enrollment by simply being more of who you are.
5 common mistakes coaches, healers and other transformation-based experts make when crafting and sharing their offers...
- Sharing details instead of results. This can be sharing "how" you work or the delivery details like how many calls/how often, when it starts etc...
- Too many offers. This shows up as offering more than 1 thing at a time - different "package" options... and it also shows up as shifting from one offer to the next too often or too soon.
- Waiting to be asked. Thinking people will ask how to work with you without inviting them keeps you busy "creating content" and "being visible" without clients. Learning how to ask if they're interested as a natural next step in an uplifting conversation transforms your income and impact quickly.
- Too much "PROCESS." Your potential clients want to know the results they'll get. Too much process can be overwhelming, scary or confusing... which leads to "let me think about it" ... "not now"... or "not for me."

When you tune into your inspiration, clarify your client-results language, and invite from the place of highest-transformation possible for you and your potential client (whether they sign up or not...)
- Your Offer is clear, to the point, and confident
- Your language is simple and paints a clear picture of what get when they work with you
- Your prospects top of mind desired outcomes are well articulated so that your offer resonates with them on emotional, logical and energetic levels.
- Your pricing is aligned with the value you bring and the results they will get... so it "clicks" and feels right to you both
- Clients Sign Up!
Ready to increase your income, accelerate your momentum and create more impact the next few days or weeks ~ by being more YOU?
...without more hustle-and-grind, spinning your wheels, or adding more to your plate?!
That's what we do in Your Inspired Offer Workshops... find out the details HERE.