[Master] Mind Your Own Business

Are you Minding Your Business?
Are you like the many clients and small business owners I’ve been talking to recently who’ve shared how the day-to-day hustle and busy-busy of running their businesses are preventing them from allowing time to Tend Their Business itself. Can’t tend your business because you’re caught up in “the struggle” of running your business?!
Boy can I relate…
I’ve been an entrepreneur for more than 20 years. For many of those years I simply jumped in and started swinging as fast and hard as I could: running the day to day, creating programming, cultivating relationships, marketing and business growth. Pretty much figured it was my job to figure things out and “make it happen!”
I accomplished a ton. Successful studios in NYC & PDX for over 10 years each! Helped hundreds of people transform their lives, their relationship to self-expression and having their own permission to BE Seen & Heard.
I also worked A TON. I had no outside perspective. It didn’t even occur to me I needed support.
Hindsight being the beautiful 20/20 that it is — I can see today that if I had only popped my head above the surface of “hustling” and “making it happen” for just a moment and allowed a breath of awareness — I might have seen that I was missing something.
Today I realize that the single biggest mistake I made (for years!) — was going it alone.
I had no one to bounce ideas off of. I had no input from others. I had little to no professional business development or learning best practices. Not to mention the crucial element of INSPIRATION! Or “believing mirrors” to remind me we are here to play — it doesn’t have to be hard — and prosperity can be effortless.
As with most things in this spiritual expansion called life — I bottomed out on busy-ness (many times) and was finally able to listen to the guidance that’s been leading me all my life again last year and was led to this thing called: Masterminding.
I joined my first mastermind about a year ago — without any idea what it would “do” for me…I thought I’d get information, advice & connections — but the most valuable things I’ve experienced have turned out to be something altogether different.
I have doubled my business and built an international presence and had the priviledge to work with amazing clients all over the world — who are up to BIG things…(which I wouldn’t have done without the mastermind) but that’s not the best part.
The leader of my mastermind is inspiring & knowlegeable in things both business and spirit. The other folks are leaders in their own right, seekers & transformation-makers. The space we hold together is much much bigger than any one person in the group.
The alchemy of being visible in that group has made a huge impact in terms of business growth, personal development & expanded consciousness (even stepping up to ask my questions there is potent!) The possibilities of being inspired are infinite. The collective tools, encouragement & creative brainstorming are like fireworks!
The space each participant is holding for others in the group is firmly grounded in seeing each person in the highest, most expanded and powerful version of themselves.
So, the actual benefits of being in that group are so much more than what led me to be there in the first place. They have in fact turned out to be:
- The vulnerability of being seen & heard among high-level peers;
- The visceral feeling of being supported by the group energetically through their always seeing the biggest possibilities for me; and
- The buoyancy of meeting consistently with people holding an abundance/personal growth world view as a foundation for how we live each day.
So I have decided to create this space for my clients & colleagues because of the impact, focus & freedom masterminding has given me.
I am holding a space where:
- In addition to Practical, Doable, Action Steps & Accountability together you are supported in Taking Rigorous Action balanced by Radical Self Care and firmly grounded in a Total Abundance Mentality…
- You challenge yourself outside your comfort zone by daring to be Authentic, Bold & Courageous…
- You can truly own your hopes, dreams and desires as well as clearing your challenges, questions & fears…
- You can be wholly yourself, fully voiced & empowered with concrete tools and real-world experience…
- You will clear fears or blocks that keep you playing small & always be held & seen in your highest possibility.
What if manifesting huge abundance & thriving, purpose-filled work felt like playing all day?
What if you were infused with energy & enthusiasm from like-minded seekers mirroring the laws of attraction through a lens of total surrender?
What if you were connected and supported by a community living this daily meditation in motion:
“How Does It Get Even Better Than This?”
If you’re one of the action takers ready to “Mind your own business” and want join this merryband of daring, focused & purpose-driven entreprenuers– feel free to get in touch with me for the details!