7 Powerful Ways to Become An Influencer In Your Industry

1. the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command.
2. the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways.
3. one that exerts influence
Have you ever felt like a "best kept secret"?
Many coaches, healers and transformation business owners can feel frustrated, exhausted and overwhelmed trying to share their work in a powerful, effective way that makes a difference.
At first, it can seem impossible to cut through the noise, to really connect with our ideal clients or have them "get" the value of the transformation that we bring. Then, even as you reach that first 6 figures... or 7... you discover that at every level of success you'll have new challenges, dreams and desires to reach and serve your most highly aligned clients.
It's the nature of the univers to E-X-P-A-N-D... and YOU are the Universe.
That's where "growing influence" comes in.
Why do you want to have influence?
Influence is how you grow our business the easy way, the organic way, the impactful way and the effortless way... and influence allows your ever-expanding message to continue to gain momentum...
Sound good?
Turns out there are many, many ways to increase your visibility and exposure these days. So much so that it can be overwhelming, especially when we feel like we have to do them all –every day – until it feels like we’re shouting into the void…But with influence we don’t have to shout.
Before we get into these simple, FREE & highly effective ways of growing our influence we need to talk about the elephant in the room…the real reason it feels hard, confusing or frustrating (sometimes nearly impossible!) to step into the spotlight at all.
The REAL reason you feel like a best kept secret ISN’T because…
- you can’t get a break;
- other people have better connections or are just “luckier” than you; or
- they’re better or smarter or try harder.
The real reason you’re a best kept secret is…You.
Not that you are to “blame” or you need to work harder or learn more...but rather that you are the only one with the power to create your influence.
Sorry, but it’s true.
(Ok, not sorry. Actually... you’re welcome.)
The truth is there are many ways to gain credibility, expert status & visibility (some of which I’m about to tell you) but they all require you to take persistant, consistent action and that you discover how to show up authentically in a compelling way. Showing up that way requires you to own your gifts, trust the value of your unique message and most importantly be willing to embrace your value and share your gifts with the world!
Frankly it's vulnerable...even a little scary.
And the more success and momentum you create... the more new levels of expansion and vulnerability you get to explore...
If you’ve ever thought:
- Someone else is already doing what I want to do –only better
- I’m not ready yet (aka I need more training, seminars, programs etc.)
- What if people confront me or challenge my ideas?
- What if I make a fool of myself?
- I hate the way I look and sound!
- I’m not an “expert” yet…Who am I to say I am?
Then, in order to expand your visibility, impact, income and influence... you're gonna need to take a look at whichever of the statements above you relate to and call it what it is: RESISTANCE.
It’s okay. You can admit it.
It really isn’t even your fault.
It’s the cavemen’s.
It’s a totally natural human response to feel exposed, vulnerable or flat out frightened when stepping up to become a leader, claim your expertise or bring forth a new vision. There’s a risk in breaking the status quo or stepping up and being really seen and heard...really claiming your truth. That feeling of “dying of embarrassment” is very real and very powerful.
The impetus to keep your head down and just get through this thing called life is strong. And it goes all the way back to those caveman days where if you made too much noise the whole tribe was at risk you could be kicked out of the cave! (and that saber tooth tiger really would eat you.) That good ol' reptilian brain is still with us.
Back to the present, much of our conditioning today still tells us playing small is playing it safe. If you are different, stand out, aren't perfect, or simply not liked growing up or within your family chances are not only did you feel judged you or risk being teased or laughed at...you may have had well meaning teachers, friends or relatives who encouraged you to fit in, cooperate, go with the flow, fit within social norms somehow because they wanted to protect you from "dying of embarrassment."
This stuff can become such an innate part of your thinking that you don't even notice it's there but it's extremely stifling, insidiously undermining and a real anchor to building influence. There’s power in taking a look at this…it means you can transform! Clearing your patterns of withholding your voice, disowning your value and self-doubt or insecurity around being visible is as powerful and important to your business success as clarifying your marketing language or creating your strategic plan.
If you have a calling, a mission, a great idea, a desire to express, something wonderful to share (and if you’re breathing you DO have these things) then the frustration, pain & drain of NOT expressing these gifts can be & very limiting, not to mention excruciating & exhausting.
And it’s up to you to choose.
It’s very important that you take that look in the mirror and commit to getting out of your own way around being seen & heard. Get the support you need to step fully into owning who you are and the gifts you’re here in this life to bring so you can start focusing on the contribution you're here to make.
Once you step onto that path and start letting go of your resistance and clearing those blocks and fears around being highly visible...everything else will start to flow, your light will shine brightly and the universe will begin to say, “Hey look! You’re showing up! You’re playing! I wanna play too! I got you!”
Okay… where were we? OH! Yeah....
7 Powerful Ways To Become An Influencer In Your Industry
Here’s a list of 7 simple and totally FREE ways to start sharing your powerful message, growing your influence and creating a sustainable, purpose driven business that heals the planet and allows you to be the master of your universe & create the life you want.
- High Value Video Content
(Video is not optional in today's market if you are truly willing to reach as many people as you can and play full out.) - Speaking
(Your own stage or someone else's) - Clear, True Copy in YOUR VOICE:
(Emails, Sales Pages, Blogs, Social Posts ) - Joint Venture Partnerships
- Write A Book
- Podcasts (Yours & Others)
- Create An Online Program

These 7 powerful tools can be implemented without spending a dime but NOT without:
- Owning your unique value, contribution & expertise
- Finding your words, clarifying your message and speaking in the language of your favorite clients
- Clearing your resistance, nerves, doubts & hesitancy around sharing your message
- Embodying your message so deeply inside your voice & body that your presence becomes alive with your presence so you’re never lost for words and you share your message with confidence, enthusiasm & freedom.
Another way to own your voice as an influencer is to participate. I'd love for you to share your thoughts and comments in my Facebook community: Power Up Your Presence! (Click the link to join -- it's FREE) What are your favorite tools of Visibility? Email? Social Media? Video? Livestreams? Speaking? Networking? 1-1 calls? The conversation over there is designed to share visibility tools, tips and strategies as well as help you activate, access and own your VOICE to bring your Big Idea to life in the world, make a great living and a huge impact. Come on over and hang with me there.