The Secret To Authentically Engaging Your Tribe & Having A Steady Stream of Clients

How’s that content creation going? Busy Busy? Covering every angle? Books, Blogs, Posts, Articles, Groups, Networking, Videos…Are you out there getting it all done?
Have you asked yourself lately about your ROI on all that content creation? Is it working? Are you getting leads? Clients? More Income? Business Growing?
If you’re spinning your wheels in the content marketing jungle you might want to ask yourself what you’re doing it all for…
Do you want to authentically engage your audience and create a steady stream of adoring fans that actually hire & refer you?
If you do, despite what the brilliant and inspired marketing experts are telling you it’s not entirely about writing the perfect script, remembering the words, or “saying it right.”
It’s not even about perfecting your marketing copy, crafting your message or owning the “language of your clients.”
They’re right in that those things are important and you can learn much from their talents (I certainly have) You DO need to get into the hearts and minds of your ideal clients…you DO need to dig deep to get super clear about what you offer and put it into words your ideal client can hear & relate to…
But then you gotta put it out there into the world in a way that’s compelling, sustainable & aligned. The rubber meets the road when you’re actually out in the world SHARING YOUR MESSAGE…that means speaking, posting, blogging, vlogging, videos, interviews, articles…Oh My! It can be exhausting. Seriously.
There’s a common thread that is essential when using any or all those platforms to share your work with the world that ties directly into a tricky truth that many entrepreneurs overlook – or avoid amid the distraction and busy-ness of creating all that content…
This vital ingredient can make a whole world of difference when it comes to all that content actually working to grow your business.

Adding this ingredient to your messaging & marketing is like pixie dust for your purpose…it can let your business fly.
It is an indispensable element that is totally unique to you…and it is the most powerful way you can rise above the information overload online today. You definitely have it and no one else ever will.

Because…It is you.
Your voice. Your face. Your enthusiasm. Your Vision. Your Daydream. Your Desire. Your Heart. Your Essence. Your Breath. Your Sound. Your Being.
The truth is the most powerful way to break through the noise of today's world is to infuse the full power of your presence throughout your message. You need to stand fully in ownership of who you are and the gifts you bring while passionately & confidently sharing your "zone of genius," your unique perspective & your enthusiastic vision.
You Are Your Brand.
Now you’re like, yeah. Ok. How ‘m I supposed to do that.
Of course, embodying your message on that level can be easier said than done.
Most people feel at least a little self-conscious speaking or talking in a public forum. Everyone is a skitch insecure sometimes. Some are downright scared when it comes to talking about (or "promoting") their work…online, onstage or (heaven forbid!) on-camera…even when they have total confidence doing their work.
There's a reason for that.
Well actually, there are many.
Let's take a look at the top 3...
#3: Molecules Behave Differently Under Observation
It’s always different in front of people, right? The physicists have even proven it.
If you’re honest with yourself you’ve know it all along…Your heart rate goes up. Your mouth goes dry. Your mind goes blank. You sweat. You pace. You doubt. Your body has an experience all its own. There are lots of tools to “manage” this but what if it could be gone. Done. Bye bye…?
Whether you’re “managing” this physiology or you’re avoiding it all together (by hiding & not putting yourself out there) it’s cramping your business, your prosperity & your fulfillment for sure.
More Importantly it's negatively impacting your experience in the moment…which means your audience is gonna feel it too.
If you’re not engaged, committed & connected – mentally, spiritually & emotionally – when you're talking about your work, presenting and sharing your vision...your audience won’t be either!
#2: Caveman Consciousness
This “self-consciousness” isn’t your fault. We’ve been conditioned that way. We’ve been taught to be seen and not heard, we’ve been laughed at for standing out and we’ve held ourselves and others to an impossible level of “perfect.” This social construct of playing small to play it safe goes back forever.
We may not like to admit it but fitting in, coloring inside the lines & staying with the status quo quite literally feels necessary to our survival. We’ve been programmed that way.

If you've ever put yourself out there you know what I'm talking about. Where do you think the phrase “dying of embarrassment” came from?! You can totally give yourself a break here. If you did get kicked out of the cave back in the day you were definitely gonna get eaten by that saber tooth tiger.

#1: Stuck In Your Head!
We live in our minds. Technology and constant information overload serve to keep us there. Thinking about what to say, figuring out how to say it and worrying about how we’ll look or sound when we do… are all very, very real traps that are terrifically difficult to avoid.
It is always & ever your thinking that undermines your confidence, disconnects you from your own knowing and pulls your powerful presence back from the edge of your own greatness.
So if you want to create an audience of adoring fans eager to hire you, here’s what you do:
- Access, Activate & Allow: Your Unique Self-Expression
- Own, Hone & Share: Your Big Vision & Gifts
- Cultivate, Nurture & Grow: Your Voice & Physical Presence
When you can do those things, you become a light, a magnet, an undeniable force like gravity that draws your ideal clients, opportunity & prosperity to you.
If you’re ready to step into the spotlight of your business and embody your messaging so that your profitable presence does the “selling” for you... I would love to support you.