How To Unleash Your Inner Rock Star

You’re walking on to the stage…the band is rocking out the first few chords of your hit song…thousands of fans are cheering you on…They LOVE you! You can do no wrong. You know you got this. You feel energized. You feel “on” and bold, daring, confident — sexy & powerful.
Come on. Doesn’t some part of you wish you could taste that “larger than life” sensation? What would it feel like to be that “out there”? To strut. To own the stage. To be that confident & self-assured, that outspoken, that connected to your passion, creativity, talent, voice & sex appeal… Who wouldn’t want to feel that way?!
The truth is we’re all Rock Stars.
You are that sexy, powerful, talented & appealing. You have that innate charisma, confidence & conviction. You ARE pure enthusiasm, joy & creativity. It’s actually your most authentic state of being.
Yeah…OK… Sure I am…. Sounds like a bunch of woo-woo, self-help nonsense. I don’t ACTUALLY want to be a rock star anyway.
But that’s not what I’m talking about… I’m talking about that Power. Permission. Passion. Presence. I’m talking about going for a dream, not waiting, not holding back. Owning your voice. Your message. Your work. Your place in the world. I’m talking about Giving Voice To Your Work…your prosperity and your life.
The First Step: Audacity
Daring to be Heard. Maybe daring to listen to that still small voice inside you that is holding your desire. Then, once you’ve claimed it as yours — no matter what your resistance is, what ever the fear, the “I’m not ready” or I have to do “XYZ” first… Stand on the edge of that cliff and jump. Don’t wait. Do it anyway. When I finally started to even try to rock I couldn’t breathe, quench my thirst, remember anything… but I did it anyway. Synchronicity started happening everywhere. I found a teacher who helped me navigate the fear & release some perfectionism. I went on to pursue a music career as a performing singing songwriter in NYC for over a decade. I made albums. I played shows. I transcended the fear…eventually. I stepped forward. I unleashed my inner Rock Star and realized that by going through the fear to the other side I had changed and I could help others do the same.
I know how potent the human voice is, how it is one of our primal birthrights and how important owning our voice means owning our work, our right-livelihood, our enthusiasm and our passion. I have seen how cultivating one’s voice is urgent for EVERYONE — it isn’t meant to be enjoyed by only a “talented” few — but rather it is one of our Human Superpowers meant to praise this life, celebrate our joy, sound our sorrow and expand our presence.
Today reuniting others with the power of their voice is one of my greatest pleasures. Throughout two decades of creative development, artistic striving, workshop facilitation I developed a unique perspective and method of facilitating people in Daring to Be Heard. I create and hold a sacred space for people to take creative risks and a deep, abiding love and respect for the power of the human voice. I see people transform their own limited concepts of themselves and their lives, work and relationships evolve accordingly.
Owning your voice is a path to freeing your passion and the work, prosperity & life that automatically follows. It invokes a radical self-acceptance that releases your full enthusiasm to the world which in turn welcomes abundance, joyful right livelihood and ease. When we are living from that place we make the world a better place simply by being fully engaged and present. By raising our voices we expand. By cultivating our voices we grow. By transforming our fear, self-doubt and perfectionism into audacity, confidence and freedom we not only increase our success and the ease with which it comes but we heal the world.
“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
–Marianne Williamson, A Return To Love
I have experienced Marianne’s statement above in my life and in my work. The truth, connection and inspiration I live in every day has evolved directly from NOT letting my own inner-obstacles, challenges and self-imposed struggles stop me. As I step forward to help others I own my voice, my truth, my enthusiasm and by being more fully who I am I invite others to step forward, take a risk and GO BIG.
Rock stars are larger than life. They’re all the way out to their edges. They’re beyond caring what people think. They’re Inspiring. They’re sexy and powerful. But most of all – they have a FREEDOM and PERMISSION that allows them to be who they are. In daring to articulate and create our work in the world we to transcend our fear – our self-imposed limits – that daring expands our awareness, our presence and our capacity to tolerate — and even ENJOY–that vast, larger-than-life feeling… to go for it. To Rock!
If you’re tired of waiting and ready to step forward into your calling, step forward into making an impact and finally living the life you want I am here to Help You Rock. Click here to download your Poised Passionate Presence Blueprint
Speak Up, Be Heard & Get Paid!
~Michelle Kopper