The Art & Science of Visibility Marketing: Get Seen. Get Heard. Get Hired.

Tired of trying to break through the noise in the bustling online space?
Wonder how to stand out among the avalanche of emails, videos & experts blasting their messages into inboxes and social media accounts every second of every day?
Wish you could just do the work you love and are called to do and didn't have to do the marketing or selling at all?
Keep reading to discover how to skip the frustration and overwhelm and confidently create visibility, marketing, and messaging that lets you stand out so your best clients see you, hear you, and hire you...
...all the while staying fully aligned with yourself, your message, your mission, and your audience so that your "visibility and marketing" provides tons of value to your audience and attracts and enrolls all the clients you want.
Sound good?
There's an ART and a SCIENCE to visibility that will actually grow your business.
I'm talking about visibility and marketing from the inside out. I'm talking about being more who you are and being fully self-expressed to create authentic connection and engagement with your favorite clients.
The Art of Visibility
Being an entrepreneur is a creative process. You are a creator, visionary, inventor -- listening and following your inner guide, your muse to make your big ideas manifest is your job description. One of my clients says she "Makes Hope Real." I love that.

The art of visibility requires mastery of your "inner game"... your mindset. It requires that you own your value, embrace your courage, conviction, and clarify your vision. It requires that you show up all the way past your edges. It requires that you not only become willing to be seen and heard but to fully and freely share your unique gift with the world in the most powerful way possible.
It requires that you Give Voice to Your Transformational Message with heart, conviction, and enthusiasm in words your ideal, aligned clients can relate to. This is key: Learning the language of your clients, discovering their desires, passions, and dreams is both art and science. Embodying the language of your clients eliminates the feeling of "selling" and transforms every "sales conversation" into serving at the highest level.
Cultivating your presence, listening to and learning from your ideal client(s), aligning the results they long for (and are willing to invest in) with the programs, products, and services you provide ...and then sharing it with ease, authenticity, and enthusiasm is Mastering the Art of Visibility.
Mastering the art of clarifying your words and crafting your transformational message to reach your audience is both art and science. Mastering visibility means you have to be out there sharing your work with the world-- in an aligned, embodied way that works for you...and having a strategy that focuses your actions, leads people to work with you in an organic way and gathers momentum is the science.
So let's take a look at the science.

The Science of Visibility
Then there's the million ways we can get our work out there and share it with the world... the platforms, strategies, and statistics. There are also a million people telling you that THEIR platform, strategy, and statistics will get you where you want to go. It can be totally overwhelming and hard to know where to begin. Many simply try to do everything...or become frozen and do nothing at all.
Email! Video! Funnels! ... oh my.
Which gets us back to that noisy avalanche of marketing and information out there...
While the ART requires that you get over the notion that marketing is "sleazy" and accept and embrace that you are the voice and face of your business, your message, and the gift(s) you're here to share with the world...the SCIENCE of visibility requires you to understand what's working in your marketplace as it develops and evolves and a system to implement it.
What Is Your Visibility FOR?
Here's a fact...
As an "expert-preneur" or any small business you probably LOVE to focus on what you do and I hope you also love DOING what you do -- but-- in order to serve as many people as possible and have sustainable income, your primary focus will need to be client enrollment, sales, and/or bookings.
I know. Many people really hate "sales" and I was right there with you not that long ago. But look at it this way, your marketing is quite likely the biggest impact you will make in the world. Yep. It could reach thousands more people than you will ever actually work with. It could be the game-changer for any single person who reads or watches it.
If you can take a scientific approach, do your market research, talk to your ideal clients, and be dedicated to making the biggest difference possible... Your Visibility marketing becomes energized, inspired, and...dare I say But even better--->>>it will get results.
The SCIENCE requires that you find strategies and platforms that work for your marketing style. It's not enough to follow someone else's script, program, platform, or has to feel good or you won't do it. Which means you need to take a good hard look at your Visibility Strengths.
Don't make the mistake so many do and waste a ton of time focusing on improving your weaknesses. Find your aligned visibility actions by focusing on your strengths and you will get better results faster -- and it will flow, be easy, and feel good to do.

Science requires that you create and follow a system with measurable outcomes --->>> and one desired outcome has to be an invitation to work with you!
Being able to discover what works best for you and know how to repeat it saves tons of time and energy being wasted in what I call "Scattershot Visibility." That's where you take a million actions to "be visible" but they aren't cohesive and leading to an invitation to hire you. Let me tell you it's very, very common to get stuck in this loop.
There's some value to simply being visible, especially when you have a real "charge" or anxiety around showing up big with your work in the world...but 100 random acts of visibility won't get you a client if you never invite people to work with you.
The science of visibility is also about strategy, systems, and focus. Collecting data and then creating a flow of content that will resonate and inspire your audience and lead them organically to taking the next step to work with you.
I'll be honest. I've spent most of my life working on the Art of Visibility and I've been a total expert on the craft and transformation of allowing yourself to be seen and heard and valuing your contribution to the world for decades. Helping you find your unique voice and share it with ease and freedom is my most aligned purpose.
But in order to have a business that was sustainable -- and thriving! -- I had to learn the science. And, frankly, it's an ongoing process because market's change, evolve, and transform. Just like we do.
Here's the clincher though...they go together. You can't have one without the other.
Becoming A Visibility Master
Many clients come to me struggling to be clear, find their words, and get their work, vision, or message out into the world. Many come because they want to "get over" their fear, insecurity, or resistance around talking about their work. Others come because they don't even know where to begin, there are too many options, and they're overwhelmed--doing them all or frozen and doing nothing - both of which don't work.

You need to master the Art of Visibility by owning your value, crafting your message with your unique voice & personality, AND accessing your own permission to share it freely with the world.
You need to master the Science of Visibility by owning the platforms that work for you, having a clear strategy that leads to an invitation, and understanding the ins & outs of visibility marketing strategy. (Hint: not every platform is for every person and simple, doable, consistent action is key.)
You need both. And it's a "which-came-first-the-chicken-or-the-egg?" thing...
If your visibility marketing isn't working (aka getting you clients!) or you're just not doing it... then you either need to work on your inner game and the ART of being seen and heard OR you need to work on your strategy and the SCIENCE of visibility and get in action with an inspired plan that feels good and works. They go hand in hand and working one will transform the other.
Often either the ART or the SCIENCE will come more naturally to you than the other. That's ok. Focus on your strengths to gain momentum and get support with the part that isn't your strongest suit.
If you got strategy but it ain't working it's time to dig into your "inner-game" and work on claiming your purpose, owning your value and giving voice to your transformational message with joy, ease, enthusiasm, and freedom.
Or...if you are already deeply aligned, totally own and trust your value, and thrive when you're sharing your work with the world online, onstage, or on-camera -- it's time to up your strategy game get clear on the platforms that work for you and create a sustainable, simple, and doable system that work to bring you a steady, overflowing stream of your favorite clients.
Not sure what your next steps are to get more visible so that your audience can see you, hear you and hire you? Check out my Ready For Lift-Off Assessment below.
I designed it to help you get clear, get focused & get inspired by discovering what's slowing you down or stopping your momentum so that you are crystal clear on the exact next steps to get visible consistently and attract and enroll more of your favorite clients more often.
CLICK HERE to take my "Ready For Lift-Off Assessment."
Invest a few minutes to answer the questions and prompts in the assessment to see what's working and what isn't in your current approach to visibility... because your visibility is critical when it comes to attracting and enrolling more clients, making more money, and reaching & serving serve more people.
This powerful "flight check" is an essential step in preparing to SOAR in your business.
As you get clear where you are on your entrepreneurial journey in terms of your clarity, your confidence, and consistency you can make decisions, implement strategy, and take actions to get better results.