How To Skyrocket Your Visibility & Impact With Video

If you’re still on the fence about the value of video content for sharing your vision or mission in the world… check out this "geek link" or this one ... and you'll quickly realize the impact video can have on your client attraction and enrollment... not to mention the difference you can make in the world.
Clearly in today's virtual world, video is a pivotal visibility tool. It is essential if you truly want to reach more people and make more money making the impact you feel called to make. But most video experts or digital marketers teaching video skills are missing a key ingredient that can help your videos skyrocket your message into a thriving business full of your favorite clients that's humming along on it’s own steam…or better yet a movement that can change the world.
With the noise escalating online and more and more people coming online every day in our newly accelerated virtual world, there is a single key ingredient that will help you stand out in quickly to shine like a beacon to your BEST clients.
The most powerful ingredient in your videos and lives is...
YOU. Your voice. Your face. Your energetic presence.

There are tons of video services & experts cropping up every day telling you how essential video is to growing a business -- including many ways to make videos that don't involve being in them. You can create videos with animation, slides, stock photos, music and even stock video footage to grow your business.
And it's true that any video has a huge advantage over text & images because of how the human brain processes moving images and sound (especially with music and the human voice) differently than still photos with text! Your brain registers moving images and sound through CONTEXT & IMPRESSIONS much faster and deeper than it can sift text so that you remember what you FEEL...
That's all to say that, is possibly the most effective way to connect with, engage and build rapport with your ideal, aligned clients in today's world. And, yes...some video is better than no video when it comes to growing a business or making a difference in the world.

...knowing how to make a quick video or hop in and go LIVE -- and step up as the face & voice of your brand -- is a game changer for experts and other purpose-led entrepreneurs.
If you're NOT using video to share your Transformational Message you are not using every resource available to reach and serve many. Period.
If you have a BIG VISION, are MISSION or PURPOSE driven you're leaving out your most powerful secret ingredient if you're NOT using video-- especially LIVE video -- or you're hiding behind slides & stock footage in your video content instead of using your best assets -- your own voice and presence -- to share your work with the world in the biggest possible way.
If you are a change-maker, healer, speaker, author or expert who is building a business or a brand that offers the promise and possibility of transformation -- personal, professional or planetary -- you have the opportunity to supercharge the impact of your work by using your most profound human superpowers--Presence, Authenticity & Imagination...and video and/or going LIVE is the single most powerful platform around to do it.
The world needs every voice. Including yours.
If there's a part of you that really just doesn't want to be in videos I think you have another opportunity as well.
Think of it this way -- if you're cringing about being on video then that "cringe" is impacting other elements of your life and business as well and video can become a way for you to step forward and shine your light even brighter.

I've been helping healers, creatives, authors and experts step into the full power of their presence for decades. The results are extraordinary...not only for their business and impact but improving the quality of their relationships, families and day-to-day lives in rich and miraculous ways.

When you can show up on-camera to send your warmth, wisdom, enthusiasm and expertise thru the lens you are embedding your PRESENCE (which is what really "sells" your “brand” or vision) into the video content itself.
People hire people they LIKE, TRUST & ADMIRE. Cultivating your authentic presence, overcoming inhibitions that keep you hiding your light and learning to own your expertise & enthusiasm engages and invites your audience -- your true-believers and raving fans... so they come into your world ready to be uplifted, inspired and already wanting to hire you.
And Here's The Thing:
Video works... and LIVE video is faster, easier, and highly effective.
If you want to make your biggest contribution it's the most affordable, powerful, fast & easy tool you have in today's marketplace --->>> so I urge you to embrace these tools and use them!
If you're tired of being a "best kept secret" and sincerely committed to bringing the vision, healing and impact only you can and going LIVE is THE fastest, most effective way to bring your Transformational Message to the most people, for the greatest impact in the most highly leveraged way.
The TOP challenge I hear most purpose-led entrepreneurs and experts struggling with when it comes to making videos is...
What To Say?!
If you want to know how to shoot great videos that attract clients in just a few minutes anytime, anywhere... and you're not sure what to say --->>> download my Fast Video Formula below to get started using video... or to up-level your video results today.