What does painting a picture have to do with making a video?

I just got back from an extraordinary mastermind week with some amazing colleagues and dear friends…all of us stepping up and stepping out in our businesses to make our biggest impact and shine our light it’s brightest.
It was amazing. Super fun. Jam packed with new marketing ideas, clarifying business growth action steps and juicy content creation…
Our host treated us one evening to a group painting class and we were all kinda floored by how the process reflected different insights for each of us about how we do business!
For me there were so many parallels to getting started making videos!
First off, my husband is the painter. (I’m happy to splash paint around but to try to make it look recognizable raises the stakes!)
Then again, I used to feel like I couldn’t make videos that were any good my own without a copywriter, crew, director, lights, hair & make up! Then I challenged myself, figured it out, realized I had a LOT more resources to draw on than I was giving myself credit for and got to work making some videos.
Guess what? I learned some new stuff, figured some things out and became a video master!
It’s all a matter of perspective, right? And letting yourself be a beginner.
Painters paint and entrepreneurs create business... it’s in the doing that the ownership and confidence emerges — not before.
Secondly, doing something new — outside of our comfort zone — is extraordinarily powerful!
When you embrace opportunities to step outside your comfort zone on a consistent basis — it gets easier! You become able to stay present to the experience instead of trying to figure out how to make it “look right” or how to do it right or navigate anxiety or insecurity.
As I simply dropped into enjoying the feeling of the paint brush on the canvas, seeing the colors of the paint mixing together and stayed in open curiosity about what would happen when I brushed the paint on…I was reminded how I’ve learned to watch my videos without cringing, doubting and judging every perceived flaw! And the power of being in the moment, enjoying what you're doing and lightening up to let yourself play a little.
You can’t move forward, get better at something or sometimes even try to do something new when you’re paralyzed by hyper critical self-judgement and perfectionism. That totally applies to painting a picture or making a video!
Painting with my friends was outside all of our comfort zones and the cringe, judgement and perfectionism was almost comical as we all painted our pictures. In contrast, seeing how each person created a lovely picture from the same template, instruction & tools and how they all came out totally unique was a wonderful reminder that when we compare — we despair. No one brings their energy through into creation the same.
Working on video is also fertile ground for self-criticism and comparing yourself to others. It's just so darn vulnerable for almost everyone because the camera magnifies everything! People's default is to compare how they feel inside to they think how other people look on the outside. This is very common when it comes to making a video.
But no one else has your perspective, experience or insight. Your voice, your face, your wisdom are unique to you and necessary in the world. Video's power is in capturing and sharing your presence, message & expertise -- and just like your painting will look different from everyone else's -- your videos are the most powerful canvas you have to share your Transformational Message in terms of leveraging your time, energy & expertise.
Dropping into experience the moment -- as your growing your business, enjoying creating new programs, savoring the writing of emails or blogs (like I’m doing right this moment!) feels so good! Staying in the deliciousness of helping people FREE their self expression and Give Voice To Their Vision…is the joy in the journey — it doesn’t matter how the picture I'm painting turns out!
These are a few of the essential and often overlooked elements of thriving business instead of just surviving:
- Trying something new
- Staying present
- Being curious instead of attached to an outcome
- Taking a walk, vacation or creative downtime
- Playing every day
All of these things help us to allow instead of push. That’s where the sweet spot is. Painting a picture reminded me of these important values and how deeply they impact our ability to create sustainable, vibrant businesses.
These same elements are key when it comes to making videos that are actually effective in attracting clients and growing your business. When you can stay relaxed and have a system so you know what to do step by step -- the videos are easy to make and even a fun creative act!
The camera magnifies everything so when we get all wound up and hypercritical about how we look and sound or whether we’re “saying it right” our videos get worse instead of better! When we can trust ourselves, play and allow our message to shine through and fully share our gifts from our authentic center…then our powerful presence radiates through the lens and Who We Are effortlessly attracts clients, opportunity & cash!
Video really is the most powerful platform we have to get our work out into the world because of the connection and authenticity it creates and because your videos can be out in the world delivering your message 24/7 around the world...But video is pretty charged for most folks…which makes it an extraordinary growth opportunity for both our businesses and ourselves. So not only can videos help you attract your most aligned and engaged clients, it can even be an avenue of personal transformation as you embody your message and courageously share it in the biggest possible way.
If you're not using video -- or painting your picture, singing your song, sharing your gift -- what's stopping you?
Take the Video-Ready Reality Check Quiz to discover your next steps in letting videos attract your ideal, aligned clients.