The “Fast & Easy” Way To Grow Your Income & Impact

Do you often feel like you're spinning your wheels, working all the time and not still not getting the clients or income you want?
Do you feel like you keep trying the latest and greatest from today's hot marketing guru even though you're not seeing the results they promise?
The truth is "fast & easy" isn't necessarily the way to build a healthy, thriving business. It is totally possible to have a business rocking it right out of the gate but there's always a learning curve as you grow and it takes consistency, commitment and keep going, take risks and dream bigger and bigger. And it's nearly impossible to do alone.
As humans, qualities like consistency and commitment and courage are more often developed through practice than happening automatically. We are inclined to inertia. It's much easier to stay stuck in our rut where it's at least familiar than it is to step up, play bigger and bring our vision, mission & message out to the world. But dreaming bigger is exactly what we need to do. The world is changing. The global economy is always shifting and we will either evolve and change with it or not. We all know what happens when a species doesn't evolve...
So now more than ever is time for your Big Idea. It's time for every voice to be brave and be heard. It doesn't have to be perfect. You can expand, discover and learn along the way... Grow as you Go. Expansion is the nature of the universe... and YOU ARE the universe.
If you want to do it the "fast and easy" way I urge you not to go it alone.
Accelerated transformation and business growth happens for purpose-led coaches, healers and entrepreneurs through mentorship, collaboration & support. NOT the "one-man-show" model. As Warren Buffet says, "The best investment you can make is in yourself."
Having mentors and a community of peers that see you in your highest self, that help you embody and own your expertise and the value of the results you help your clients achieve... as well as helping you continue to expand what you think and feel is possible... is the easier faster way.
It's natural to get so hyper focused on back end technology, training courses, or hustling for clients that investing in support & mentorship to grow your income and impact ~ to have a "real" business ~ feels like a luxury you can't afford.
Let me tell you that's putting the cart before the horse.
If you put all your "extra" energy [energy = focus + thoughts + time + money] into an "everything-but-the-kitchen-sink" approach to your business -- what I call "scattershot marketing" and find yourself on the merry-go-round of never-ending courses and trainings, or doing everything yourself... you're highly susceptible to burn out and you will waste tons more energy as you run that hamster-wheel hustle 24/7.
The hustle and strive mode is self-perpetuating. It creates a hustle and strive momentum and keeps you in constant hustle-mode... which makes your visiblity-to-prosperity journey longer and harder. But that hustle and strive momentum is very real and very powerful. And it's a hard habit to break.
Mentors and a community of other successful people who can hold a higher vision with you (and sometimes for you) nourishes your's as important (or more! ) as continued education and furthering your professional knowledge.
Keeping your head on straight, cultivating aligned, inspired focus, strategy and implementation plans is MORE important than any tactic, tool, or technique in the world.
Finding people who can be your "believing mirrors" to use Julia Cameron's concept... people who can reflect that greatness that's inside you and mentorship that gives you the "Ah ha! Yes! I can do that!" clarity... is basic nutrients for we purpose-guided or spirit-led coaches, healers and transformation business owners.
Having trusted advisors you can rely on to tell you the truth, help you expand your mindset & continue your own expansion to think BIGGER is how all successful business owners and entrepreneurs create momentum and bring your vision into reality is the easier softer -- and faster way to GROW AS YOU GO.
There is also huge practical value of mentorship and aligned community... Having the benefit of people who have gone before you and can guide you, save you from making their mistakes, and accelerate your growth. They may ask questions you haven't thought of yet, accelerate your clarity and implentation, inspire you to new heights.
Lastly, there's a potent ingredient that's often missed by marketers and coaches helping you create more visibility and income...
Encouragement. Courage comes from the Latin cor which translates as heart. The prefix en means within from the Greek... the suffix ment comes from Latin mente which translates as mind.
Encouragment = Within. Heart. Mind.
The idea of "working on your mindset" has become much more mainstream these days. As a purpose-led or spirit-guided business owner you need all 3 components above working together to grow momentum in the right direction ... for faster, easier results.
You need to go within, take heart, and change your mind... and that can be tricky to do alone. I've heard some say, "Your mind is like a bad neighborhood, don't go in alone." Thankfully, that's not true for most healers and coaches I know because we've done the work to transform.
In 30+ years of transformation work I have seen time and again the power of sharing & daring with other expansion-oriented, purpose or spirit-led business owners... to accelerate clarity and real-world results.
When you have an unconditionally supportive container, encouragment to "leap and the net will appear" and know you have a safe place to land you will get from where you are to where you want to go much more quickly and with more easy and joy. This is what I call Transformative Witnessing.
Encouragement and wholehearted support to help YOU trust that your work is important, your voice needs to be heard and you deserve to have all the income and impact you want is an accelerant to your business. This support, guidance & collaboration will move you forward fast, let you avoid pitfalls that others have discovered before you, and ignite your inspiration.
Inspiration is more powerful than motivation.
Choosing to run your own business is a radical act of creativity!
Creativity thrives in collaboration & connection.
As Winnie The Pooh taught us so long ago..."It's much more friendly with two."

I promise it's ok to build your business and create the life you want the easy way. The fun way. The exciting, enriching & nourishing don't have to go off alone in your head and do it all by yourself!
In fact, when you remember you're doing what you love, allow yourself support and let every action you take in your business come from joy, fun and service you'll see amazing results SO MUCH FASTER.
I've learned from experience that being willing to invest my energy, attention, time, and money in nurturing myself and my business with support, education & the hugely transformative power of mentorship is the most effective way to ACCELERATE my results.
Being seen and held in my highest light by others who inspire me and that I trust... while I grow and evolve has transformed me many times over. Bringing that to my business transformed my income, impact and lifestyle in a huge way in the first few months.
I have invested in 1-1 coaching, group coaching, and masterminds so that I have focused, strategic support AND an expansive collaborative space to share ideas, resources and create. My experience investing in support and taking time to work ON my business instead of always working IN my business has been the biggest gamechanger in my having a sustainable, thriving business --->>>and the lifestyle I want it to support.
Despite outward appearances of tumult and turmoil in the world, the time is ripe with healing and opportunity for expansion in business as well as spiritually & personally. Now is a time for you to nurture that deep connection with your own inner guide and super charge your presence, so you can share your vision, the transformation you bring and step forward and bring your unique vision and voice into the world in the biggest possible way.
You can reach out to me or my team at if you want to know how we support our clients and see if it's a fit for you...
Whether it's me or another mentor, coach or guide I urge you not to go it alone. In fact, that's the long, hard way to go...
We all need a sounding board, new ideas and encouragement. Having a mentor to grow our skillset & strategize, connecting with peers to discover new ideas & trends is essential to creating a sustainable, thriving business.
Your message and mission -- Your Voice -- is an essential part of creation. Your song needs to be sung. Your BIG IDEA is a good one...You and your vision are so very worthy of support! You can trust yourself.
Join my community of purpose-led coaches, healers and other purpose-led entrepreneurs on Facebook for weekly visiblity -to-profitability LIVE trainings and to connect with like-minded, courageous & committed business owners growing beyond 6 figures here:
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